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The willingness to look at the things you don’t want to see is what sets you free. Enlightenment, the liberation from suffering, requires us to turn towards, rather than away from, the very things we fear and want to escape. How unfair! Over the last three years,...

There is so much more we can get out of the relationships in our life, discover some ideas on how you can deepen the connection and experience more closeness and satisfaction in your relationships. Yes, it involves effort and creativity, but I promise, it will be worth...

Have you noticed a pattern of let's say frustration and anxiety? Have you heard of this common issue: sticking to familiar emotional patterns, even when they're painful? We, humans, love familiarity, it keeps us safe. We decide something about ourselves and the world around us and...

Discover what you can do to create a lasting shift. The thing is, your subconscious mind, and your nervous system will only allow you to go to where it feels SAFE to go. So, how does this work? Growing up in life, we receive constant feedback from our...

Your nervous system is your compass for life and an incredible tool for self-awareness Why is your nervous system chronically dysregulated? Your nervous system is trying to recreate balance, but the accumulation of stress makes it challenging for your body to get back into homeostasis, leaving you...

There is one simple question you can ask yourself every single day. “How much energy and time do I honestly have available to work on my goals?” Being honest with yourself helps you transcend the energy depleting question “Do I feel like doing x, y or z?” Consistency, more...

How to get where you want to be. Self-discipline is ALL we need. OK. Hear me out. Cultivating self-discipline and structure doesńt sound fun, but it can be extremely satisfying, and it´s ALL you need to get from where you are now to where you want to be. There...

If you want to get somewhere with your goals focus on this one thing Self-discipline and structure.     Hear me out here.   Cultivating self-discipline and structure is ALL you need to get from where you are now to where you want to be. There is freedom in commitment and structure,...